Welcome to Reiki in Bali

Get your Reiki Attunements

Direct under Reiki Master Restuning Sandini

Rei means universal, omnipresent – present everywhere at the same time. Esoterically Rei means spiritual consciousness, the omniscient wisdom from God or the higher self. Ki is the non physical vitality that gives life to all living things.

Reiki energy is extra low frequency (ELF) biomagnetic energy, a measurable pulsating magnetic field that induces currents to flow between tissues with frequencies ranging from 0.3 to 30 Hz. Biomedical researchers have established that certain of these frequencies correspond with healing effects on hard and soft tissue.

Many cultures understand and recognise the importance of Ki energy and how it impacts our lives and well-being. Ki energy can be activated for the purpose of healing. When you feel healthy and full of enthusiasm, the flow of Ki energy in your body is high and unencumbered. Life seems easier to deal with and you have a higher resistance to illness and disease

The skills and techniques associated with Reiki are simple and easy to learn. Small children and adults can equally comprehend and incorporate this ancient form of healing into their lives. Regular contact with Reiki will bring the recipients mind body and spirit into balance. It will also help prevent future creation of illness and disease.


I feel so much love!

Thinking of you. Was on the boat today and reiki the weather, IT WORKED!



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